Marshal Todd Uhrick to Retire
After 43 plus years of service to the citizens of Hamilton Co. and the Town of Arcadia, Todd Uhrick has decide to retire. Todd’s last day will be 1/3/2025. Celebration for Todd Uhrick’s retirement will be held later in January 2025.
At Monday’s town board meeting, Alex Petty was appointed to fill Todd’s spot as Chief of Police. Alex came to Arcadia P.D. after retiring from the Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s Office where he held the positions of Deputy, K-9 Officer, Detective and School Resource Officer for Hamilton Heights High School. Alex coaches’ football and baseball at Heights. Alex currently works night shift.
The board also hired Corbin Fruchey as the new patrol officer. Corbin currently is an officer with IU Health and a reserve officer with the Cicero Police Department. Corbin will start his new duties working third shift on 1/1/2025.
Neal Hoard was also appointed as a new Reserve Officer. Neal previously was a reserve at the Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s officer where he was a blood hound handler. Neal’s K-9 can be used to find individuals who have committed a crime, or who may be lost because of age or medical conditions.
Please wish these officers well on their new endeavors.
2024 Christmas Tree Lighting & Market
It takes a lot of work to throw this event. Big thanks to those who make this happen year after year.
DECEMBER 7, 2024 -
2024 Trick or Treat Hours
September 26, 2024 - Water Plant valve replaced
A water valve at the Water Plant was replaced today and as a result, the system was shut down and a back wash performed. This may cause rusty water.
Please check your water before doing laundry. Running your cold water for a few minutes will help it move through your system. We apologize for any inconvenience.
September 17, 2024 - Cheers For Hope Festival & Boutique Fair THIS Saturday on 9/21/24 between Noon & 4pm. (Road Closure map included)
Vendor List
CLICK HERE https://secretfamilieshc.org/vendor-list
Road Closure Map for the Event
September 10, 2024 - Street Department Projects to begin soon & to last 3-4 weeks
August 27, 2024 - Hamilton County to Spray for mosquitos tomorrow (Wed. 8/28/24) around dusk.

August 6, 2024 - Hamilton County to Spray for mosquitos tomorrow evening (Wed. 8/7/24) around dusk.

August 2, 2024 - Sump Pump line discharge FYI
Residents are being reminded that your sump pump lines should NOT be directed into the sanitary sewer. If you have a sump pump, the lines should be directed outside your home. Directing your sump pump to the sanitary sewer can overload the Wastewater system.
This is a Town Ordinance and can be found here.
June 26, 2024 - Hydrant Flushing during the month of July
June 10, 2024 - Consumer Confidence Report Now Online
Please visit the CCR page for the most recent 2023 Consumer Confidence Report.
CCR click here: https://www.arcadiaindiana.org/home/consumer-confidence-report
March 26, 2024 - Dumpster Day Scheduled
The next Dumpster Day has been scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2024.
Between the hours of 8am and 4pm (or until the dumpsters are full) located at 9099 E. 266th Street, you can drop off your large items in the dumpsters. (Items not accepted are cannisters, tires, propane tanks or anything with Freon.)
Please note: Dumpster Day is only for Arcadia residents who receive a trash bill from Arcadia Utilities.
March 26, 2024
Beginning mid-April, the following roads will begin a paving project that is projected to last through mid-June. Please see pictures below for details.
This paving project is made possible with the CCMG Grant. The Community Crossings Matching Grant Program provides funding to cities, towns, and counties across Indiana to make improvements to local roads and bridges. Community Crossings is a partnership between INDOT and Hoosier communities, both urban and rural, to invest in infrastructure projects that catalyze economic development, create jobs, and strengthen local transportation networks.
Please click on each image below for details.
February 22, 2024
The start of the outdoor warning siren season will be Friday, March 8th at 11am.
This year these sirens will not only be used to warn for tornadoes, but will now also sound when severe thunderstorms are approaching. Severe thunderstorms that would bring winds destruction 80+ mph winds and/or with baseball-sized hail.
The outdoor warning sirens are tested each Friday at 11:00 am until the last Friday in October.

February 6, 2024
Arcadia receives $2200 for Community Change Grant to purchase Splash Pad exercise equipment.
Spring Fling announced for March 9th
Arcadia Market On Main is holding their Spring Fling on Saturday, March 9th to be held at The Remnant Coffee Shop from 9am - 2pm.
Come out and shop local vendors while enjoying Remnant's coffee, pastries or lunch!
Things to do now:
Familiarize yourself with areas of your home most susceptible to freezing, such as basements, crawl spaces, unheated rooms and outside walls.
Eliminate sources of cold air near water lines by repairing broken windows, insulating walls, closing off crawl spaces and eliminating drafts near doors.
Locate your main water shut-off valve. If a pipe freezes or bursts, shut the water off immediately.
Protect your pipes and water meter. Wrap exposed pipes with insulation or use electrical heat tracing wire; newspaper or fabric might also work. For outside meters, keep the lid to the meter pit closed tightly and let any snow that falls cover it. Snow acts as insulation, so don't disturb it.
Also, clear snow near fire hydrants near your property.
What to do when temperatures are consistently at or below freezing:
If you have pipes that are vulnerable to freezing, allow a small trickle of water to run overnight to keep pipes from freezing. The cost of the extra water is low compared to the cost to repair a broken pipe.
Open cabinet doors to expose pipes to warmer room temperatures to help keep them from freezing.
When you are away:
Have a friend, relative or neighbor regularly check your property to ensure that the heat is working and the pipes have not frozen.
Also, a freeze alarm can be purchased for less than $100 and will call a user-selected phone number if the inside temperature drops below 45 degrees.
January 4, 2024
Lead Service Line Survey
The Federal EPA has issued an update to the Lead and Copper Rule with a requirement for all public water utilities to submit a Lead Service Line Inventory. (LSL) The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is enforcing these requirements across the State of Indiana. This means Arcadia Utilities must provide an inventory of how many lead service lines are still in existence in town.
The purpose of this inventory is to identify areas in Arcadia where lead service lines may be present so that we can develop an informed plan to address them. We need participation from EVERY water utility customer to make our inventory as accurate as possible. The results of a completed inventory will be used to apply to GRANT FUNDS for our water utility. Without your help, these grant funds cannot be accessed.
Even if lead service lines are found, this does not necessarily mean that our water is contaminated or unsafe to drink. This inventory has no impact on water quality but will help us determine the areas which need the most assistance. Again, without your help, these grant funds cannot be accessed.